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Critical Patient Transportation
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Life Support Ambulance
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Ambulance for Dead Bodies

Life Support Ambulance

Basic Life Support, is a set of life-saving medical procedures performed in the early stages of an emergency. These resuscitation techniques are generally administered by a first responder, healthcare provider, or any individual on the scene who has basic medical training. Basic Life Support consists of a number of life-saving techniques focused on the “ABCs”s (Airway, Breathing, and Circulation) of pre-hospital emergency care. An ALS (Advance Life Support) provider may perform advanced procedures and skills on a patient involving invasive and non-invasive procedures. When most people talk about a person being on life support, they’re usually talking about a ventilator, which is a machine that helps someone breathe. A ventilator keeps oxygen flowing throughout the body by pushing air into the lungs. We can provide to you all these necessary tools based on the requirement of the patient.

Keep in Touch!

    413 Bansdroni Road, Saratpally. Kolkata 700070.
    Near Chakda School

    +91 91237 10015